Asana II/III - Winter 2016 - Week 4

John Schumacher Yoga Urdhva Dhanurasana W2016.jpg
John Schumacher Yoga Urdhva Dhanurasana W2016.jpg

Asana II/III - Winter 2016 - Week 4


1/28/16 - In this yoga download work on asequence to practice after shoveling two feet of snow, including shoulder openers such as Gomukhasana and Pashchima Namaskarasasana, leg and back releases including Prasarita Padottanasana, Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Shvanasana, Janu Shirshasana, and Pashimottanasana, and leg and hip stretches, including the Supta Padangushtasana cycle.  

Class approximately 2 hours.


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